Silversteel Manor's Inauguration With Mino

During Mino's recent visit, we were delighted to welcome Mino to our new home in Derbyshire countryside. In his honour, we flew the Global and Japanese flags alongside our own. Mino then cut our ribbon to ceremonially open our new offices.

When a former Japanese Emperor moved the Imperial Palace to Kyoto and signalled an end to a period of war and fighting, he decided to replace the armed Samurai sentries at the entrance to the building with symbolic fruit trees to confer peace and prosperity on its occupants. On the one side was planted UKON NO TACHIBANA, a citrus tree; and on the over, SAKON NO SAKURA, a cherry blossom tree. In this spirit, we asked Mino to help plant a baby Japanese Cherry Tree outside the entrance of Silversteel Manor, which he enthusiastically did!